How to Keep a Secret as a Secret!
I will not reveal your secret…
It is said that if every secret exceeds two, it is revealed. A man asked what is meant by two? He pointed to his lips, I have never in my life remembered meeting a man to whom I told my secret, and he has sworn badly that he will pour my secret into a well that has no end. No one has said he can’t protect your secrets, even the man to whom you reveal secrets, he puts his hand on his chest and says I swear, if people put the sun on my left hand and the moon on my other hand and put a sword on my neck, I will not reveal your secret. When you trust him and tell him your secret, the secret reaches you in a few days. It is your fault because you have revealed your secret yourself. People also reveal secrets in this way, when they get a little anger, they reveal secrets to others. I would also like to pay attention to such people. It also happens, I’ve experienced it myself, the hardest thing is that you talk to someone to get advice then a few days later the same person reveals your secret. These people lose their credibility in your eyes and also lose their good relation with you.
Telling the secret, I became a Muslim…
When Hazrat Umar bin Khattab (R.A) converted to Islam and was migrating to Madinah, he wanted to know how to spread this news. He called a man who was in the habit of revealing every secret. He said, “I will tell you a secret that you should not tell anyone.”The man asked what is the secret. He said, “I have become a Muslim. “ Be careful not to mention it to anyone, saying this, Hazrat Umer (R.A) left. The man began to perform Tawaf and said in a loud voice that Umar Bin Khattab had become a Muslim. Umer Bin Khattab (R.A) has become a Muslim.